Jul 13, 2011

new bracelet

Made a fun bracelet last night! Dark brown leather cord and gold thread to create a wrap around look.  Love how it came out! Will be making plenty more and putting them up for sale on RecklessCrush.com! :)

Jul 12, 2011

focus on the task at hand

Fell in love with this vintage style blog of a boutique owner!  Her creativeness is amazing and so inspiring.

Everything about the hand-made really gets me excited and to create things myself.  I'll post a few favorites from her blog soon; as well as ideas I'm interested in.

Jul 6, 2011

crushing on you

 Just thought I'd share.  :)

very modern desk mates

Came across these really modern and fresh desk supplies!  Thinking about investing in some.  Very affordable prices too! Check out all the colorful pens and pencils!  Don't forget the notebooks.. :)

Ellery- Spring 11

jewelry love

Anna Sheffield : WeSC + Bing Bang

Bing Bang Shop Here

heavy metal scheme

Really into this futuristic vibe with the silver metal clothing!  Need to find me a platinum dress !  Could be perfect to wear for a night out or a summer concert with strappy heels or wedges!  Good thing I own quite a few of those! :)

Jul 1, 2011

new music interests

I'm looking for new music to download...I want to get a new playlist going for the drive to Dana Point tomorrow morning!  Really into the new indie and lo-fi sound coming about!  Check these kids out! 

Any new artists you like?  Let me know I love to hear new music! :)