Oct 4, 2011

the burning house

One of the most interesting blogs that I read at least once a week is TheBurningHouse.com .  It's a really simple concept, what would you take if you were to run out of the house in the case of a fire.  The mini description states, " It's a conflict between what's practical, valuable and sentimental. What you would take reflects your interests, background and priorities. Think of it as an interview condensed into one question."

I really want to create a photo of my own one day for the project.  The photos are really creative and interesting to see what is so important to people.  Most usually have their computer/external hard-drive, a camera, or of course their pets and family members.  But it's cute to see the age/gender stats on the individual who wishes to take their stuffed animal with them for sentimental reasons.   Really sweet.  You should definitely check it out and maybe add yours to their list someday!


some ex:

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